I came to David with strength and mobility issues which have led to injury in the past. From our first meeting together, he listened to my concerns and my goals. He has helped me pinpoint my weaknesses and tailor each session to target those areas. Each week builds upon the previous and I have seen and felt my body become stronger as well as my balance improve. I have a very demanding job physically which can lead to flare-ups and overuse injuries if I am not careful. David has been very understanding when I have had to take a break to let my body recover so I am able to get the most out of my next workout. He has great intuition and is not afraid to push me when I doubt myself. He knows I can pull out another rep or two or up the weight for the next set. He changes things up so that each session is never 100% the same which keeps me on my toes, present, and engaged because I don’t know what’s going to be next. I am still on my journey, and I have a ways to go to attain my goals, but regaining and building my strength, mobility and flexibility has improved my confidence and made me that much more determined to keep going.

Lourdes Health & Fitness
Oakdale Commons
491 Reynolds Road
Johnson City, NY 13790
(607) 306-2100


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Lourdes Health & Fitness
Oakdale Commons
491 Reynolds Road
Johnson City, NY 13790
(607) 306-2100


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