My goal in joining the gym and working with a trainer was to lift heavy and get stronger. Doug programs and tailors each session so that I can achieve my goal while also taking into consideration my sleep, nutrition, and stress management. We initially focused on squatting and deadlifting, and after some time and a little encouragement from Doug, I decided to start benching. Doug has a passion for powerlifting that inspired me to sign up for my first powerlifting meet. The accomplishments that I have been able to achieve thus far in the gym are a direct result of working with Doug. Doug is very knowledgeable regarding all things powerlifting. I look forward to each of our sessions, and the friendship that we have been able to create as a result of my training is an invaluable bonus. Doug created a Small Group Training session for powerlifters. I have connected with other members that I may not have otherwise, who also enjoy working out the same way I do. Doug has led me to become more confident in the gym and has given me the tools to be able to program my own workouts on the days we don’t meet. If you are looking to get stronger in the gym, I couldn’t recommend Doug more!

Lourdes Health & Fitness
Oakdale Commons
491 Reynolds Road
Johnson City, NY 13790
(607) 306-2100


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Lourdes Health & Fitness
Oakdale Commons
491 Reynolds Road
Johnson City, NY 13790
(607) 306-2100


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